
Life Skills Awareness will remain open and offer online and over-the-phone therapy during COVID-19 isolation.

Children's Therapy in Hesperia

Helping Kids Develop Their Voice

Understanding the Need For a Therapist

Unlike adults who have had years of experience learning how to voice their frustrations and deal with conflict, kids often don’t know how to express their thoughts and feelings. Whether they are dealing with a school bully, low self-esteem, or more serious issues like ADD/ADHD or eating disorders, if they are reacting in ways you are unsure how to manage, the children’s therapy specialists at Life Skills Awareness in Hesperia, California, have the expertise you need to help.

The idea behind children's therapy sessions is to provide kids, from young ages to adolescence and teenage years, a safe space to explore how they feel and express the internal struggles they may be facing. The purpose is to allow patients to receive the emotional support they need to be upfront about what’s going on and to work with a Life Skills Awareness children's therapy specialist. While the end result of these sessions may differ depending on the patient — whether it be changing a certain behavior, improving communication, or improving relations with family and friends — our mental health services are here to support you!

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Reasons Your Child Could Benefit From Working With a Therapist

  • They are frequently sad or depressed

  • They are withdrawn or isolated

  • There are sudden and excessive bursts of anger or mood swings

  • There is a decreased interest in activities

  • There is alcohol or drug abuse

  • They have been sexually, physically, or emotionally abused

  • There have been family conflicts, such as divorce or separation

  • They experienced the death of a family member or pet

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A Nurturing Approach to Children's Therapy in Hesperia

One of the wonders of parenting is learning who your child is, their personality, interests, sense of humor, and dislikes. On the other hand, one of the biggest challenges is learning how your child reacts in certain situations, when things don’t go the way they expected, or how to talk to them when they have become withdrawn. Working alongside a children's therapist offers a valuable outlet for young kids seeking a trusted ally to communicate and navigate through their unique challenges.

The Life Skills Awareness approach involves creating a nurturing and comfortable environment where children of all ages can open up and talk about what they are struggling with. Life Skills Awareness uses a variety of techniques, including play therapy, to help therapists gain insight into a child’s mind, especially when they are having difficulty opening up. Play therapy uses tools like the arts, music, crafts, dancing, and toys to create an outlet for expression. This form of communication between our children's therapy and our young patients has several benefits, including:

  • Encouraging the use of fine motor skills

  • Promoting stronger social skills and family relationships

  • Learning to fully experience and express emotions

  • Alleviating anxiety

If you believe your child could benefit from working with a children’s therapist in Hesperia, get in touch with Life Skills Awareness today!

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Support Your Adolescent Child as They Grow

For young teens, the transition into adulthood comes with a variety of struggles, such as body issues, identity confusion, defiance, school issues, or anxiety. We aim to help them develop coping strategies and understand the difference between their perception of a certain situation and reality.

These methods will teach them how to adapt their thinking to prevent feeling bad about themselves. Children's therapy is not limited to kids of a certain age — our mental health services are designed to help adolescents and teens work through their struggles and gain a better understanding of themselves. If you start to notice any sudden difference in your young adult as they move through middle and high school, contact us to schedule an appointment!

Benefits of Therapy for Young Teens

Transitioning from childhood to adolescence can be a tumultuous time for young teens. At Life Skills Awareness, we recognize the unique needs of young adolescents and offer children’s therapy services in Hesperia tailored to support them during this crucial phase of development. Here are some key benefits of therapy for young teens:

  • Emotional Support: Young teens often grapple with a range of emotions as they navigate puberty and peer relationships. Therapy provides a safe and non-judgmental space for them to express their feelings and receive emotional support.

  • Coping Skills: Young teens often grapple with a range of emotions as they navigate puberty and peer relationships. Therapy provides a safe and non-judgmental space for them to express their feelings and receive emotional support.

  • Improved Self-esteem: Adolescence can bring challenges to self-esteem. Therapy helps young teens build self-confidence and develop a positive self-image.

  • Communication Skills: Young teens can develop effective communication skills, improving their ability to express themselves clearly and fostering healthier interactions with peers, parents, and teachers.

  • Academic Success: Therapy can address issues related to academic performance, such as study habits and time management, helping young teens excel in school.

  • Resilience: Young teens can develop resilience through therapy, enabling them to bounce back from setbacks and face life's challenges with greater strength and adaptability.

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How Can Parents Help Their Child?

Giving your loved one the chance to speak to a children's therapy specialist is an excellent starting point for starting a discussion. If you as a parent are worried about your child’s well-being or mental/emotional/social development, Life Skills Awareness can help. However, there are several other actions you can take to provide your child with a sense of comfort and safety, encouraging them to speak openly with a children's therapy specialist in Hesperia. A few of these simple steps include:

  • To achieve the best results possible, it’s important to ensure both you and your child are comfortable speaking to a member of our Life Skills Awareness team. Make sure your children's therapy sessions are with a professional your family trusts and can comfortably talk to.

  • Ensure your child attends all their appointments to maintain a steady treatment plan and achieve overall mental and emotional wellness.

  • No matter your child's age, make sure you, as a parent, check in with your child by asking how they are and how they’re feeling. Ask them if they need help with anything or need to talk; leave the door open for communication and have patience, letting your child know you love and support them.

Be involved in your child’s treatment plan. To ensure progress continues outside of children's therapy sessions, speak to your Life Skills Awareness therapist about how you can help support your child.

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Parenting an Autistic Child

It's not easy being a parent. But when your child is diagnosed with autism, it can feel like the world is ending. You may feel lost and alone right now, but don't worry — you're not alone. There are many parents out there who are raising children with autism, and they can help guide you through this difficult time. A Life Skills Awareness therapist in Hesperia can also support and help you as you navigate parenting an autistic child.

What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects children of all ages. ASD can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, which can make everyday tasks and activities difficult. Some children with ASD may not be able to speak, while others may have difficulty communicating or interacting with others.

How Can I Help My Child With ASD?

There are many ways you can help your child with ASD. One of the most important things you can do is learn as much as possible about the disorder. This will help you understand your child's needs and how best to support them. You should also make sure to build a strong support system, both for yourself and your child. This can include friends, family, therapists, and other parents of children with ASD.

Look For Nonverbal Cues

Many children with ASD communicate through nonverbal cues, such as body language or facial expressions. It's important to pay attention to these cues so you can better understand what your child is trying to communicate.

Reward Good Behavior

Rewarding good behavior is a great way to encourage your child with ASD. You can use stickers, stamps, or other small rewards to celebrate progress and positive behavior. This will help your child feel motivated and encouraged to continue making progress.

Encourage Social & Communication Skills

You can encourage social and communication skills by playing games with your child, such as peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake. You can also read stories together, sing songs, and use puppets or stuffed animals. These activities will help your child to develop important social and communication skills.

Provide Structure & Safety

It's essential to provide structure and safety for your child with ASD. This means creating a routine and sticking to it as much as possible. It can also mean making sure your child has a safe place to play and explore. This could be an indoor playground, a backyard, or a nearby park.

Parenting an autistic child can be difficult, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are many resources and support systems available to help you through this journey. At Life Skills Awareness, we can help you find the right tools and support so you can help your child thrive. Contact us today to learn more!

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